Reading Notes: The Ramayana, Section B

Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana. Source: Wikipedia

The golden deer moment in Part B of the Ramayana was my favorite. I want to make it a more dramatized moment. The moment where the rakshasa Maricha imitated Rama with his dying breath and that leading Lakshmana to Rama, leaving Sita alone was an intense moment and I want to amplify that and elaborate the moment. I want to add more detail to the scene and make Sita's kidnapping by Ravana more intense as well.

 Overall, I want to recreate my story with as much imagery as possible because I feel like the PDE of the Ramayana is not vividly written where one can imagine a scene. This is a good thing because it leaves the mind to creativity. However, it is not ideal because it is hard to imagine the setting for someone who is not familiar with India's history and architecture. India is known for its elaborate kingdom-like structures and royal palaces. One who is not already familiar with the structures would have trouble imagining what the setting would be and may even imagine a setting from another area or country. This would be a deficit for the reader.

I want to keep all my characters the same because I believe the morals and concepts of this story are really important, especially to me. I want someone who is eager to learn about Hinduism to visit my page so that they can easily understand what happened in the epics without being confused. Hinduism is really important to me and while I am learning about my culture, I want others to learn from me and my translations of the epics I am reading. My main focus of this storytelling assignment is to have everything in Rama's perspective, with conversations more detailed and elaborate. I want there to be dialogue between characters in lay terms, rather than the more complex wording.

Bibliography: PDE Ramayana, M. Dutt, R. Dutt, Gould, Griffith, Hodgson, Mackenzie, Nivedita, Oman, Richardson, and Ryder, Source.


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