Famous Last Words: Week 6 in Review

Image of Olaf drawn by Shelly. Source: SketchPort

The reading for this week was really interesting. I was always wanting to learn more about my culture and this class makes learning about it really fun and engaging. Creating my own stories about the Mahabharata makes it easier to remember and absorb the information so that I will be able to pass down the stories to my children as I get older. My favorite part of the Mahabharata was the introduction parts where it gives an overview of Shantanu and his wives. It seemed as if Shantanu wanted love really badly and was heartbroken when Ganga left. He had no hope of finding love again until he came across Satyavati.
My best writing this week was the story I wrote about Shantanu and Ganga for this class. I believe it is one of the best things I have written in a while (I say that every week, haha. It's because this class brings out the best in me!) To get myself in the writer's groove, I try to picture myself in the position of the characters I am writing about. I visualize the story and watch it like a movie in my mind and then I will write about it.
The most exciting thing that happened this week was the snow days we had! These were much, MUCH needed! Both of my labs got cancelled (which is probably a really bad thing since they are only once a week) and I had the chance to perfect my lab report which was due on the day school got out early. I spend my two days off watching scary movies and cooking up a storm. My friends and I had a sleepover and we watched Silent Hill, which was a really good movie but messed with my head quite a bit. We didn't go to sleep until 5:30 am! Such a fun week we had, but unfortunately, we are back to reality now!


  1. Hi Shivani!
    I definitely agree that writing my own story based on these makes them much more memorable.
    I also agree that those snow days were much needed. I ended up attending my Monday lab, so I don't have lab at all this week since the rest of the labs are behind. We get a week off so they can catch up. Like you, I am using this time to perfect my lab report!

  2. Hey, Shivani. I agree that this class brings out really good writing. There is just so much room to grow without consequence and try new things it is awesome. I too was happy for the snow days, as well. I needed the mental break from school, and kind of wish every 4-5 weeks, we had a couple of days off to recoup. I do wish I would have done more work to get ahead though, because I may have watched too many movies and tv shows as well.


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