Reading Notes: Babbitt's The Turtle and the King

The Turtle and The King

Focus on Setting:
The story does not have a setting but there is a lake, as well as a courtyard and it involves a king and his children. I would assume the setting would be in a castle somewhere long ago, probably in the 1400-1600s, in the autumn season.
I want my setting to be in a castle in the foothills of the Bucegi Mountains in Romania, taking place around the same time period, around the 1500s. I really like the time period back then, with all of the old-time features like the clothing, modes of transportation, elaborate living of the royalty, and other aspects of that particular era.

Peles Castle in Romania. Source: Pixabay

Focus on One Character:
My favorite character in this story was the old man who was afraid of water. He suggested that the turtle was thrown into the water as a punishment and as an intent for it to be killed. Little did he know that the turtle would actually thrive in that setting.
For my story, I want the old man to knowingly ask the king to throw the turtle into the water so that the turtle would know that he is on his side. I want the old man to use his fear to convince the king to "kill" the turtle by throwing it into the lake that flows out over rocks, into a river. I also want the old man to sneak out and check on the turtle to see if it is safe after being thrown into the lake.

In my story, I want to add some dialogue between the turtle and the other characters in the story, so that I can add some human features to the turtle. When there is a dialogue between characters, it makes readers more interested in continuing to read the story and give an in-depth conversational aspect to the stories so that connections between characters can be established.

The Turtle and the King, Ellen C. Babbitt


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