My thoughts about: Technology

I am really glad we have so many resources available to us to make our blogging experiences the best and most convenient it can be! Before this assignment, I was already familiar with the website publishing tool (I used it to create my family's restaurant website), bookmarking (I use it for everyday browsing and school sites), and image editing (I used to use it a lot in high school, when I was an avid tweeter). This online environment is unlike any other class I have taken because the assignments are solely based on my thoughts and opinions, and there really is not a wrong answer as long as I follow the guidelines. I love the freedom aspect of this course. It makes students more engaged in the work because it does not feel like actual school work. Some web skills I want to work on this semester are creating multiple websites and learning how to format my blog to make it unique to me. I also want to utilize as many resources as possible!

A back lit keyboard. Source: Pixabay


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